24 Sept 2015

ICOM IC7300 transceiver (more)

At the moment, the best value for money for a 100W transceiver looks like the ICOM IC7300. This is an SDR based transceiver that covers HF, 6m and 4m (in Europe). The selling price is expected to be a way below £1000, making it far less than the FT991 from Yaesu. A 10W version of the IC7300 is not available outside of Japan, sadly. The SDR based architecture means BOM (bill of material) costs should be low. Much of the RX processing is done in software. The realtime spectrum scope is a nice feature.

I quite fancy one, but may wait until some of the early problems are ironed out. It would be good to have 50W on 4m too as more and more countries are appearing on the band.

See http://www.icomamerica.com/en/products/amateur/hf/7300/default.aspx .

The image below is located on the ICOM America website and not on this blog. 

1 comment:

Paul Stam PAØK said...

The SDR based receiver on board looks very interesting. 73 Paul PC4T