27 Sept 2016

Now just on 10m JT65

A few hours ago I went QRT on 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 and am now just on 10m JT65 with 2W. As yet, no spots. Yesterday was quite good on 10m, so I remain hopeful for today on 10m.

UPDATE 1635z:  Still no 10m JT65 spots given or received.

UPDATE 1818z: Still no spots on 10m JT65 here according to the PSK Reporter Map.

UPDATE 1842z:  HA9AL (1454km) in Hungary has been spotted on 10m JT65 by Es.

UPDATE 1846z:  CX8ABF (11123km) in Uruguay (GF15 square) has just been spotted on 10m JT65. He has also spotted my 2W on 10m. Yet again 10m is open for QRP DX. As yet this autumn, I have not spotted, or been spotted by, any USA stations on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1914z:  PU2OOC (9596km) is now being spotted on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1920z: Now Argentina is being spotted on 10m JT65 here.

UPDATE 2020z:  With 10 South Americans spotted on 10m JT65, this has again been a good day, but I think the days now done.

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