Showing posts with label 8m. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8m. Show all posts

19 Apr 2024

8m FT8 receive (Friday)

 This morning, I am on 40.680MHz FT8 receive. No spots at 1017z.

17 Apr 2024

8m FT8 RX

At the moment (Wednesday AM) I am on 40.680MHz USB dial FT8 RX. No spots. I have yet to repair my 8m dipole, so I have no idea (other than the highish SWR) how it is performing.

UPDATE 1642z: ZR1ADI (9777km) in South Africa was the only spot today. I guess this is TEP.

15 Apr 2024

8m FT8 RX

This morning I am monitoring 40.680 MHz RX. I am hoping to spot a station in Bedfordshire. So far, I have had no success on FT8 or WSPR.

13 Apr 2024

8m dipole

As mentioned before, it looks like my 8m dipole antenna system has an intermittent fault. Recently, I decided to concentrate on 8m TX with ISM restrictions, which means 10mW ERP. WSPR gives me the best chance. I doubt 8m FT8 at 10mW ERP would be enough.

A reminder that, certainly in the UK, possibly elsewhere, under ISM rules 8m beaconing is licence free and open to all. A full T&I 8m TX permit costs £50 annually in the UK. With more countries opening the band for real amateur radio research, I keep my fingers crossed that radio amateurs will eventually be granted restricted access with conditions. I have long said that just 5kHz in the ISM band would do.

For 10mW ERP tests the antenna must be reliable.

The actual antenna and coax are not problems, whereas erection is more of an issue as this requires ladder work. I can probably manage OK as the ladder work is quite low, but I get giddy very easily these days so even a short distance off the ground is harder than it once was.

9 Apr 2024

8m FT8 RX (Tuesday)

 As I decided not to ask for a new 8m TX permit (which I still think is totally wrong that you have to pay!!), but instead test with 10mW ERP under ISM rules this Es season, I am on 8m FT8 RX today.

4 Apr 2024

8m WSPR RX (Thursday)

At present, I am monitoring 40.680MHz USB dial WSPR hoping to spot a station near Bedford or possibly some ON stations via tropo. No luck. 

UPDATE 1906z:  No spots.

3 Apr 2024

8m decision made - ISM rules!

After thinking hard, I have decided to try 8m WSPR with ISM rules and not apply for a new permit.

Starting in a few weeks I shall be on 40.680MHz WSPR TX with 10mW ERP following IR2030 rules. The WSPR offset is about 1500Hz HF.

In the meantime, I am monitoring 40.680MHz USB dial WSPR and hope to spot some stations by tropo before the Es season really starts.

31 Mar 2024

8m dilemma

My TX permit runs out shortly, and I am undecided about a new one. 

From an experimental view point, I have already proved that 2.5W FT8 and a low dipole is enough to reach many parts of the planet when F2 is good. Just to experiment I have to pay £50 a year, which I find offensive and stupid. I blame OFCOM and the RSGB for this utter stupidity. There are many people who want to do genuine research at 8m!! Pay?? How daft when amateur radio is meant to be about self-training! 

My inclination is to operate on 40.680MHz WSPR under ISM regulations (10mW ERP and IR2030 compliance) which is totally free and open to all in the UK. This would be much harder, but radio science would benefit more. I suspect that much of Europe would be in range on the better days in the Es season. The main issue could be too few monitors. I suspect 10mW ERP 8m FT8 would be too low.

It would be good if others joined me by keeping to ISM rules (or similar) in your area of the world. In some countries I believe one can legally beacon below certain powers.  If enough people tried, the research would be more meaningful. Remember, operation under ISM rules is not amateur radio. Such use is essentially one way beaconing for propagation research.

It would be great to have a lot of QRPP 8m WSPR beacons operational.

29 Mar 2024

8m QRP FT8 (Friday)

My 2.5W and dipole have been on most of the day.  No spots of me although I did copy ZR1ADI (9777km) in Western Cape, South Africa.

27 Mar 2024

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

My 2.5W 8m FT8 to the dipole was turned on at about 1110z.  As usual, I am on 40.680MHz (DF about 1950Hz).  No spots yet.

24 Mar 2024

8m CEPT band?

Belgium and Eire have amateur allocations at 8m. Luxembourg may have one soon. South Africa has one.  I am unsure about Slovenia and Croatia.

In many countries we have the stupid situation where radio amateurs have to apply for, and pay, to do research and experimentation at 8m. 

The RSGB seems dead set against even a tiny allocation by NoV at 8m as does the FCC in the USA. 

Much like 6m was in the 1980s, I hope that national authorities see sense and allow radio amateurs to apply for 8m permits. What would be good is if CEPT allowed national authorities to permit amateurs access.

I am pretty sure OFCOM in the UK is parroting the RSGB line. 

Personally, I think radio amateurs could really contribute to radio science at 8m. We are not asking for much. Even an allocation just 5kHz wide only, digital only, low power, limited times, by application only, would be a start.

8m dipole

For several years, I have used this wire dipole antenna on 8m. I was considering a vertical this Es season, but my problem is erection.

Despite the low height of the dipole, it seems to work pretty well with my 2.5W FT8 reaching all over Europe, South Africa, the Caribbean, USA, Canada and the Middle East, and the Canaries. 

I doubt a vertical would be much different.

8m FT8 (Sunday)

My 8m FT8 2.5W is currently on 40.680MHz (DF about 1950Hz), although I am not hopeful as conditions seem disturbed.

UPDATE 1709z:  No spots.

23 Mar 2024

8m FT8 (Saturday)

 No spots of me today on 40.680MHz FT8, although I did spot ZR1ADI (9777km) in Western Cape, South Africa on FT8. It looks like Bernard VA2CYX was struggling to be copied across the Atlantic. He is thinking of going to FT8. If I try FT8 with ISM rules (10mW ERP) it is doubtful I would be copied on 8m. WSPR would be better, but there are fewer monitors.

UPDATE 1650z:   The good news is S50B is back on 8m with a vertical Sirio antenna. Borut had suffered antenna damage earlier.

UPDATE 2300z: No further spots.

22 Mar 2024

8m WSPR RX (Friday)

Once again, I am monitoring 8m WSPR hoping to spot the Canadian trying some tests. It is possible I may also copy some Irish and Belgian stations who were on 8m WSPR yesterday.

21 Mar 2024

Continuing monitoring 8m WSPR

Today, I am continuing to monitor 40.680 MHz WSPR. My rig should be on during the daylight hours. Nothing at all was spotted on 8m WSPR yesterday. I am hoping to receive Bernard in Canada.

20 Mar 2024

8m WSPR RX (Wednesday)

As a Canadian is doing some transatlantic 8m WSPR tests, I shall be on 40.680MHz WSPR RX for the next few days during the daytime.

UPDATE 1614z:  No spots. I notice there are no other WSPR 8m spots.

UPDATE 1652z: I am wondering about the next Es season on 8m. I was considering using 10mW ERP under ISM rules. FT8 might be a better mode, but is less sensitive. On the other hand the TX burst is only 15 seconds whereas WSPR needs almost 120 seconds, so FT8 would be better on short openings. Operating under ISM rules (certainly in the UK)  implies 10mW ERP and meeting IR2030, but is open to all without the need for a TX permit to beacon WSPR or FT8. I would expect 8m FT8 would be much harder than WSPR, but there might be more monitors? Last Es season I was running 2.5W, so I would be far weaker.  The difference is 24dB, so most of the time I would be far too weak to copy on FT8. Perhaps some local FT8 tests at 10mW ERP are called for?

17 Mar 2024

Return to 8m QRP FT8

At the moment, I am on 8m QRP FT8. The antenna appears to be a bit too long and probably needs cutting a bit. I have put on a new PL259 plug.

UPDATE 1730z:   No spots.

15 Mar 2024

Fixing that 8m dipole

My PL259 plugs have arrived. The 50 ohm coax and everything needed to replace my 8m dipole is at hand. Erection should really be trivial, but ladder work is far harder these days.

Until my TX permit expires early next month I hope to use 2.5W. After that I may try 10mW ERP 8m WSPR which does not require an 8m TX permit in the UK. As long as people are monitoring, much of Europe should be possible.  Tests at similar powers have reached the USA on 10m WSPR. One of the issues on 8m is there are far fewer monitors than on 10m.

This would be an interesting test. Sadly, the attenuator would also be in circuit on RX too making the RX deafer.

I guess some local tests would be useful to ensure all is well. At the moment I am unsure what callsign to use for these 10mW 8m tests.

11 Mar 2024

8m antenna repair

For reasons I do not understand my 8m dipole has gone to resonance at about 49MHz. It is simpler to replace the antenna and coax. Assuming the weather is OK, I may try doing this in the next week. 

At the moment I am inclined not to apply for an 8m TX permit again, but instead concentrate on ISM rules and WSPR. In the UK this means 10mW ERP and compliance with IR2030. In the UK this is totally free (no licence needed) and I believe open to all. As long as there are people monitoring, much of Europe should be within range on 8m WSPR in the Es season.